Kumpulan Soal Tryout UTBK SNBT Literasi Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawabannya [UPDATED]



Kumpulan Soal Tryout UTBK SNBT 2025 Literasi Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawabannya

Menghadapi Ujian Tulis Berbasis Komputer (UTBK) Seleksi Nasional Berbasis Tes
(SNBT) 2025 tentu memerlukan persiapan yang matang, terutama dalam mata
pelajaran Literasi Bahasa Inggris. Salah satu metode efektif untuk
mempersiapkan diri adalah dengan mengerjakan soal tryout yang mendekati soal
sebenarnya. Dalam artikel ini, kami menyajikan kumpulan soal tryout UTBK SNBT
2025 Literasi Bahasa Inggris beserta jawabannya untuk membantu Anda berlatih
dan meningkatkan pemahaman. Mari kita mulai perjalanan persiapan UTBK Anda
dengan mengerjakan soal-soal berikut!

Text 1 (Question 1 – 5)
        Officials are checking if the variant,
where two mutations come together in the same virus, may be more
infectious or less affected by vaccines. Some 10,787 samples from 18
Indian states also showed up 771 cases of known variants – 736 of the
UK, 34 of the South African and one Brazilian.
        Officials say the variants are not
linked to a spike in cases in India. India reported 47,262 cases and 275
deaths on Wednesday – the sharpest daily rise this year. The Indian
SARS-CoV-2 Consortium on Genomics (INSACOG), a group of 10 national
laboratories under India’s health ministry, carried out genomic
sequencing on the latest samples. Genomic sequencing is a testing
process to map the entire genetic code of an organism – in this case,
the virus.
genetic code of the virus works like its instruction manual. Mutations
in viruses are common but most of them are insignificant and do not
cause any change in its ability to transmit or cause serious infection.
But some mutations, like the ones in the UK or South Africa variant
lineages, can make the virus more infectious and in some cases even
        Virologist Shahid Jameel explained that
a “double mutation in key areas of the virus’s spike protein may
increase these risks and allow the virus to escape the immune system”.
The spike protein is the part of the virus that it uses to penetrate
human cells. The government said that an analysis of the samples
collected from India’s western Maharashtra state showed “an increase in
the fraction of samples with the E484Q and L452R mutations” compared
with December last year.

source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-56507988

1. The word infectious in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to 

A. Active
B. Non transmittable 
C. Dangerous 
D. Hazardous
E. Contagious 

Jawaban: E      

2. Which of the following senteces is not mentioned in the

A. Official are checking if the varians may be more infectious or less
affected by vaccines 

B. Some mutations like tehe ones in the uk or south Africa are more

C. Spike protein is used to penetrate human cells 

D. Genomic sequencing is a testing process to map the entire genetic
code of an organism of bacteria 

E. The Indian sars – cov – 2 consortium on genomic (INSA – COG) is a
group of 10 national laboratories under india’s health ministry 

Jawaban: D 

3. It can be concluded from the passage that 

A. Some viruses mutate themselves to multiply their numbers 

B. Some officials are evaluating whether the variant may be some
contagious or less affected by vaccine 

C. Mutations in viruses are not common but most of them are

D. Most samples from 18 indian states showed up dominantly like those
drom south Africa and brazil 

E. Officials say the variants are similar to a spike in cases in

Jawaban: B

4. To whom is the text likely intended? 

A. Medical practitioner 
B. Nurse 
C. Government official 
D. Readers in general 
E. Student 

Jawaban: D 
5. What is likely the author’s motive in writing the passage? 

A. People’s sufficient understanding about the virus mutation 

B. The need of vaccination to combat the pandamic 

C. People’s lack of information on the new variants of corona virus
found in india 

D. There are plenty of information about related virus 

E. People’s high awareness on protecting themselves from being infected
by the virus. 

Jawaban: C 
Text 2 (Question 6 – 10)
        Indonesia saw 5.32 percent economic
contraction year-on-year (yoy) during the second quarter due to the
impact of COVID-19. Economic sectors that experienced the worst
contraction included transportation-warehouse (-30.84 percent),
accommodation-food and beverages (-22.02 percent), other services
(-12.60 percent) and corporate services (-12.09 percent). Major growth
drivers also contracted: manufacturing by 6.19 percent, trading 7.57
percent and construction 5.39 percent.
to find a silver lining in the dark cloud of this pandemic, we need to
look at more than just the economic sectors but also examine the
geographical distribution of the growth because in a crisis, there are
usually areas that are more resilient than other regions, especially in
Indonesia, the world’s largest archipelagic country. There are several
sectors that recorded positive growth: information and communication
(10.88 percent), water supply (4.56 percent), health services (3.71
percent), real estate (2.30 percent), and agriculture (2.19 percent).
The contribution of the agricultural sector to the national economy was
the second-highest (15.46 percent) after the manufacturing industry
(19.87 percent).
impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy can be seen from growth
between the first quarter of 2020 and the second quarter of 2020.
Nationally, the contraction was 4.19 percent, and the largest-affected
sectors were the same as in yoy growth: transportation-warehouse,
accommodation-food and drink, followed by services. However, the
agricultural sector recorded high growth (16.24 percent), which
according to BPS, was caused by a delay in the planting season so that
the peak of the rice harvest occurred in the second quarter of 2020.

So what is the relationship between sectoral-spatial economic growth as
described above and                     COVID-19? If we look at the accumulated
development of daily cases of all provinces in Indonesia from March 2020
to mid-August 2020, the order of provinces based on the largest number
of infection cases was Jakarta, East Java, Central Java, South Sulawesi
and West Java. With the fact that the agricultural sector in West Java
could grow high on both a yoy and quarter-to-quarter basis, this
development indicated that the pandemic had no direct impact on the
agriculture sector. This occurred because the centers of the spread of
COVID-19 are in urban areas, while agricultural sector activities are
concentrated in rural areas.
        Understanding the regional impact of
COVID-19 can help guide national economic recovery policies to be more
effective. Apart from social assistance and other fiscal stimuli, the
government can intervene in activities that stimulate the economic
sector. In areas where the number of COVID-19 cases is large, the focus
of recovery policies can be directed at the agricultural sector and
industrial activities that process agricultural products. In other
words, development in rural areas.             Meanwhile, in areas where the number of
COVID-19 cases is small, the focus of recovery can also be directed at
trade, construction and information-communication.


6. The word intervene in paragraph 5 could best be replaced by 

A. Involve 
B. Indicate 
C. Inform 
D. Ignore 
E. Impair 

Jawaban: A

7. What is the main information given in the passage? 

A. Understanding the regional impact of covid – 19 can help guide
national economic recovery policies 

B. The government’s role in stimulating economic growth in Indonesia
during the pandemic covid 19 

C. The impacts of covid 19 in several economic sectors and geographical
ares in Indonesia 

D. The positives impact of covid 19 could hide the negative impacts the
bear to Indonesian economic 

E. The effects of covid 19 that could threaten economic sectors

Jawaban: C      

8. What is the author’s motive in writing the passage? 

A. To classify some positive and negative impact of covid 19 in the
development of economic sectors 

B. To deffrentiate the cause and effect of covid 19 in the development
of economic in Indonesia 

C. To reveal the finding the some areas in Indonesia have contributed to
the increasing of covid 19 suspect. 

D. To inform that covid 19 has both positive and negative impacts
towards economic sectors and geographical areas in Indonesia 

E. To informs several issues that could siignificantlly affect the
development of economic sectors during the pandemic covid 19

Jawaban: D 
9. Which of the following statements is TRUE

A. The information and communication sectors growth higher than
agricultural sector 

B. Understanding the worldwide impact od covid 19 can help guide
national economic recovery policies to be more effective 

C. The growth of water supply sector gain the same rate as the health
service sector 

D. Further impacts of covid 19 on the economy can be seen from growth
between the first and second quarter of 2020 

E. The agricultural sector in cental java could grow high on both a yoy
and quarter to quarter basis and indicate its direct impact 

Jawaban: D

10. What the authors attitude toward the passage? 

A. Objective 
B. Indifferent 
C. Serious 
D. Skeptical 
E. Appreciative. 

Jawaban: A 

Text 3 (Question 11 – 15 )
the debate regarding how much screen time is appropriate for children
rages on among educators, psychologists, and parents, it’s another
emerging technology in the form of artificial intelligence and machine
learning that is beginning to alter education tools and institutions and
changing what the future might look like in education. It is expected
that artificial intelligence in U.S. Education will grow by 47.5% from
2017-2021 according to the Artificial Intelligence Market in the US
Education Sector report. Even though most experts believe the critical
presence of teachers is irreplaceable, there will be many changes to a
teacher’s job and to educational best practices.
        AI has
already been applied to education primarily in some tools that help
develop skills and testing systems. As AI educational solutions continue
to mature, the hope is that AI can help fill needs gaps in learning and
teaching and allow schools and teachers to do more than ever before. AI
can drive efficiency, personalization and streamline admin tasks to
allow teachers the time and freedom to provide understanding and
adaptability—uniquely human capabilities where machines would struggle.
By leveraging the best attributes of machines and teachers, the vision
for AI in education is one where they work together for the best outcome
for students. Since the students of today will need to work in a future
where AI is the reality, it’s important that our educational
institutions expose students to and use the technology.
        Artificial intelligence tools can help
make global classrooms available to all including those who speak
different languages or who might have visual or hearing impairments.
Presentation Translator is a free plug-in for PowerPoint that creates
subtitles in real time for what the teacher is saying. This also opens
up possibilities for students who might not be able to attend school due
to illness or who require learning at a different level or on a
particular subject that isn’t available in their own school. AI can help
break down silos between schools and between traditional grade levels.

educator spends a tremendous amount of time grading homework and tests.
AI can step in and make quick work out of these tasks while at the same
time offering recommendations for how to close the gaps in learning.
Although machines can already grade multiple-choice tests, they are very
close to being able to assess written responses as well. As AI steps in
to automate admin tasks, it opens up more time for teachers to spend
with each student. There is much potential for AI to create more
efficient enrollment and admissions processes.
are many more AI applications for education that are being developed
including AI mentors for learners, further development of smart content
and a new method of personal development for educators through virtual
global conferences. Education might be a bit slower to the adoption of
artificial intelligence and machine learning, but the changes are
beginning and will continue.


11. In which part of the paragraph does the author mention about the
vision of Al in education? 

A. At sentence 2 paragraph 3 
B. At sentence 1 paragraph 4 
C. At sentence 4 paragraph 2 
D. At sentence 1 paragraph 3 
E. At sentence 2 paragraph 5 

Jawaban: C 

12. How does the information in sentence 1 and 2 in paragraph 3

A. The former discusses the definition of Al; the later descri- bes its

B. The former presents the involvement of Al in education; the later
presents its benefit 

C. The former shows the need of Al in education; the later contradict
the idea 

D. The former explains the benefit of Al in education; in later mentions
certain app to support it 

E. The former informs the application; the later elaborates the example
to increase its benefit. 

Jawaban: D 

13. Which of the following statements it TRUE

A. Al has not already been applied to education primarily in some tools
that help develop skills and testing systems 

B. Education can be faster to the adoption of artificial intelligence
and machine learning 

C. Al can help improve silos between schools and between traditional
grade levels 

D. As Al steps in to automate admin tasks, it opens up more time for
teachers to spend with each student 

E. It is expected that artificial intelligence in U.S. Education will
grow by 67.5% from 2017-2022 

Jawaban D 

14. The paragraph following the passage will likely contain an in-
formation about 

A. Many application involved in increasing the usage of Al in

B. How Al and machine learning applied in education 

C. The role of teachers in implementing Al and machine learning to

D. The virtual global conferences as the best tool used in

E. The challenges faced by educators in applying Al in the classroom

Jawaban: B 
15. It can be summarized from the passage that 

A. The use of Al in education is a new breakthrough that gives many
benefits to teachers and students in classroom set- ting in spite of
being slow in implementation 

B. The involvement of Al has gained its fame in 2021 that is predicted
that its implementation will be slower 

C. The new finding in technology has a positive and negative side, while
Artificial Intelligence I one of its greatest tool to achieve the goal
of teachers in the classroom setting 

D. The role of teachers in the classroom could be exchanged by the
present of Al that it helps teacher to automate ad- min task. 

E. The finding of Al in education has been known worldwide; therefore,
students and teachers must actively involve in the classroom. 

Jawaban: A 

Text 4 (Question 16 – 20)
        Exercise is even better for you than you think, finds a ground breaking study from Finland comparing the long-term effects of an active lifestyle.
        The study was the first to look at how the metabolisms of active and inactive people differ. Exercise, it turns out, has effects right down to the subcellular level. For example, mitochondria the power plants inside each cell in the body appear to be more efficient at burning off fatty fuel in active people. They have lower blood levels of branched chain amino acids (BCAA), which accumulate in the blood of people who are obese or who have diabetes.

        “Researchers have theorized that the healthier our mitochondria are, the less likely we are to develop a variety of age related diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, Parkinsons, and Alzheimers,: says Dr. Susan Cheng of Harvard affiliated Bringham and Women Hospital. These recent findings, she says, “raise the possibility that exercise could lead to the better overall health of a person specifically by acting on the mitochondria.
        “As scientists explore exactly what it is that exercise does, they are finding a surprising list of physical effects that go far beyond weight loss and muscle building. These include increased insulin sensitivity (meaning a lower risk of type 2 diabetes), lower cholesterol levels, a better ratio of saturated to unsaturated fats, and biochemical markers of lowered cardiovascular risk. People who exercise regularly also have blood amino acid profiles linked to good heart health.
        Even people of advanced age who already had a heart attack are less 20% less likely to develop serious heart trouble if they participate in an aerobic exercise based cardiac rehabilitation program. What about people with other problems besides heart disease, such as diabetes? “The outcomes from exercise are also better for people with conditions such as chronic heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, and depression,” Dr. Cheng says.
        Many of the benefits of exercise have been known for quite a long time, notes Dr. Cheng, the author of” interogating the Age Old Wisdom of Exercise,” an editorial in recent issue of the journal Circulation. Exercise reduces weight, lowers blood pressure, prevents diabetes, improves cholesterol, increases muscle strength, improve sleep quality, improves mood, and even sharpens the mind.
        “But these are all just the sign, if you will, of the multisystemic benefits of exercise, “Dr. Cheng says. “What we still don’t know is exactly how exercise is able to bring about all these wonderful benefits. Still, the Finnish study nicely confirmed that exercise reduces weight and improves cholesterol, and suggests that exercise is associated with lower levels of inflammation.
        “Most experts say a person should get in 30 minutes of exercise nearly every day of the week.” This can sound very daunting to a lot of people,” dr. Cheng says. “So I usually start off by recommending something that is likely to be within their in the near term, More is more, but less is better than nothing.
“How hard should you work out? Not so hard that it stops being fun. Consistent moderate activity is better than occasional strenuous activity.” In other words, its better to take a brisk walk every day than to do a hundred-yard dash once a week,” says Dr. Cheng

Adapted from: https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying.healthy/th

16. What is the benefit of participating in an aerobic exercise based cardiac
rehabilitation program for older people? 

A. It reduces weight and improves cholesterol 
B. It improves
sleep quality and mood 
C. It lower the level of inflammation
and blood pressure 
D. It is more efficient at burning off
fatty fuel in older people 

E. It is likely to lessen the development of serious heart

Jawaban: E

17. What is the author’s attitude toward the

A. Persuasive 
B. Informative 
C. Skeptical 

E. Optimistic 

Jawaban: A

18. The author mainly discussed a topic on 

A. The long term effects of exercise on weight loss and muscle
B. The great benefits of exercise on better
C. The confession that exercise reduces weight and
improves cholesterol 
D. Kinds of exercise for people with chronic
heart failure 

E. The effectiveness of certain exercise in improving some- one’s

Jawaban: B 

19. The word strenuous in the last paragraph is closest
in meaning to 

A. Light 
B. Relaxed 
C. Simple 

E. Delicate 

Jawaban: D

20. The purpose of the passage is 

A. To raise people’s awareness to do regular exercise in order to get its
B. To persuade readers to do strenuous exercise 
To provide an explanation of doing exercise to prevent certain
D. To discuss the appropriate exercise which affect
weight loss and multisystemic benefits 

E. To suggest the best exercise for chronic heart failure and sleep

Jawaban: A 

Text 5 (Question 21 – 25)
        Most children today are plugged into TV well before they can even ride a bike. TV can be media that gives a lot of advantages for children, as long as this privilege isn’t abused. For example, preschoolers can get help to learn the alphabet from children channel, grade schoolers can obtain actual news from educational program, and teens can do research taken from discovery channel on TV. However, too much screen time can cause negative impact on children’s physical and mental developments.
        The average American child will witness 200.000 violent acts on television by age 18. Many violent acts are caused by the “good guys”, whom kids are taught to admire. In fact, in video games the hero often succeeds by fighting with or killing the enemy. This can lead to confusion when kids try to understand the difference between right and wrong. Young kids are particularly frightened by scary and violent images. Simply telling kids hat those images aren’t real won’t make them feel better, because they can’t yet tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Behavior problems, nightmares, and sleeping difficulty possibly follow exposure to such violence.
        Studies have shown that teens who watch lots of sexual content on TV are more likely to initiate intercourse or participate in other sexual activities earlier than peers who don’t watch sexually explicit shows. While cigarette and e-cigarette ads are banned on television, kids can still see plenty of people smoking and drinking alcohol seem acceptable and might lead to substance abuse problems.
        Health experts have long linked too much screen time too obesity a significant health problem today. When they’re staring at screens, kids are inactive and tend to snack. They’re also bombarded with ads that encourage them to eat unhealthy foods like potato chips and drink empty calorie soft drinks that often become favorite snack foods. Studies have shown that decreasing the amount of TV kids watched led to less weight gain and lower body mass index (BMI). Replacing video game time with outdoor game time is another good way to help kids maintain a healthy weight.
        Most kids under the age of 8 don’t understand that commercials are for selling a product. Children 6 years and younger can’t tell the difference between a TV show and an ads, especially if their favorite character is promoting the product. Even older kids may need to be reminded of the purpose of advertising.

21. It can be inferred from the
passage that 

A. No more than 1 hour a day of educational programming, together with a
parent or other caregiver still can help them understand what they’re
B. No theory has shown that teens who watch lots of
sexual contents o TV are more likely to initiate intercourse or participate
in other sexual activities earlier than peers who don’t watch sexually
explicit shows. 
C. Seeing violence, watching risky behaviors,
having obesity, and not understanding commercials are considered as negative
impact on children’s physical and mental developments 
D. Smoking
and drinking alcohol among teenagers are acceptable although it might lead
to substance abuse problems. 

E. While cigarette and e cigarette ads are banned o television, parents
sill allow them kids can watch plenty of people smoking in TV shows. 

Jawaban: C 

22. Which of the following statements is not mentioned
in the passage? 

A. Watching violence and seeing risky behavior are two examples of the
negative impact of TV for children. 
B. Health experts object to
the idea that there is a link betwe- en watching TV and obesity 
Characters on TV can depict risky behaviors, such as smoking and
D. Studies have shown that alleviating the amount of TV
kids watched led to reduce weight gain and lower body mass index

E. Most children under the age of 8 don’t know that commercials are for
selling a product. 

Jawaban: B 

23. To whom is the text likely intended? 

A. Teachers 
B. Students 
C. Government 
Professional educators 

E. Readers in general 

Jawaban: E 

24. Behavior problems, nightmares, and sleeping
difficult…. follow exposure to such violence. 

A. May 
B. Will 
C. Should 
D. Had to 

E. Can 

Jawaban: A

25. What is the author’s motive in writing the

A. There is abundant information about the negative impact of TV to
B. The information about the negative impact of TV to
children is not interesting 
C. There is lack of information about
how to give understanding to children related to the negative impact of
D. Parents have lack of awareness about the negative impact of
TV to their children 

E. Most people believe that TV has more advantages than

Jawaban: C


Text 6 (Question 26 – 30)

        Online school has forced students, parents, and teachers alike to make a tremendous change in their daily routine. Although logistically, video calls work well to replace each period of classes, they have a large effect on students’ mental and physical health.
        Nationwide, 29% of parents hat were studied in a Gallup poll said their child is “already experiencing harm” to their emotional or mental health because of social distancing and closures. 14% said their child could continue online school few more weeks until their mental health suffers.         Online school doesn’t have the social element of in person school, which is crucial to students’ social and emotional learning. In that same Gallup poll, 45% of parents said that separation of their child from classmates and teachers is a “major challenge.” Junior Maggie Gross agrees. “Lack of physical interaction has killed my mental stability,” she says.
        Online video calls are socially draining as it takes more work to pick up social cues and not see people’s faces and bodies in real time. A National Geographic article explains that” a typical video call impairs these ingrained abilities, and requires sustained and intense attention to words instead.” This is referred to as “Zoom fatigue.”
        In addition to zoom fatigue and mental health issues, the 5 and a half hours of screen time during online classes in Portage Northern’s current schedule cause digital eye strain. The American Optometric Association recommends the 20-20 rule, which requires one to take 20 seconds to look at something at least 20 feet away after every 20 minutes of screen time. In that case, students should be taking screen breaks at least once every class period and the “passing time” should also be utilized for the 20-20-20 rule.
        After these 5 and a half hours of video calls, students have homework, which is largely onine as well, and most teen’s social life and entertainment, especially when in lockdown, is based online as well. Comparing last semester’s online learning plan to this se mester’s, junior Marques Hudson says, “It’s just school but online. I liked it much better when I could go at my own pace and get stuff done when I wanted to.” Junior Maya Vasudewa agrees, saying, “It’s a lot harder on my mind to be stuck at home learning instead of the school environment.”
        Of course, student’s mental health experiences are not universal, and some have even benefitted from online learning, like senior Mason Wice. “Online school has definitely made things harder, but it has actually improved my physical health compared to what I was doing during quarantine, and my mental health as well because my safety assured,” he says. For others, online school hasn’t made much of a difference in their health. “My mental (health) hasn’t really changed, none of this truly affected me,’ says junior John Brown.

However, scientific articles, polls, and many students at Northern show that mental health, along with fatigue and digital eye strain, is not something to be taken lightly during a pandemic which places the importance on physical health.

Adapted from; https://portagenorthrenlight.com/8266/feature/the-p

26. According to the passage, what did scientific articles, polls, and many
students at Northern find? 

A. Mental health, along with fatigue and digital eye strain, is not
something to be taken lightly during a pandemic which places the importance
on physical health. 
B. Student’s mental health experiences re
C. 14% of parents said their child could not continue
online school a few more weeks until their mental health suffers. 
The 5 and a half hours of screen time during online classes in Portage
Northern’s current schedule cause emotional instability 

E. Almost all students have benefitted from online learning 

Jawaban: A 

27. What is the author’s attitude toward the

A. Concerned 
B. Objective 
D. Indifferent 

E. Optimistic  

Jawaban: A 

28. The passage mainly discussed a topic on

A. The effect of online learning on student’s physical health. 
The roles of online learning to enhance teaching learning activity 
The effect of online learning on student’s physical and mental
D. The advantages of online learning in the pandemic

E. The correlation between online learning and student’s mental

Jawaban: C 

29. The word ingrained in paragraph 3 is closest in
meaning to 

A. Superficial 
B. Trivial 
C. Entrenched 

E. Sketchy 
Jawaban: C 

30. What is likely the author’s motive in writing the passage? 

A. To propose the online learning method used during the online

B. To explain the process of online learning during the pandemic 

C. To inform the consequences of online learning on student’s physical
and mental health. 

D. To confirm that online learning is the best methods in improving
students’ achievement. 

E. To differentiate the online and offline learning.  

Jawaban: C

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memahami tipe-tipe soal yang mungkin keluar dalam UTBK SNBT 2025 serta
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2025. Selamat belajar dan semoga sukses!


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