Latihan Soal + Pembahasan SBMPTN TPS (Pemahaman Bacaan dan Menulis) Bahasa Inggris. Dijamin lulus UTBK



Yoo Whatssap gangs…Sobat pencari pengetahuan di manapun kalian berada. Admin ingin membagikan soal latihan beserta pembahasannya untuk temen-temen yang lagi berjuang untuk mempersiapkan UTBK nih, Admin mau ngeshare 15 soal TPS Bahasa Inggris disertai dengan pembahasan. Dengan berlatih soal sebanyak mungkin, kamu lebih terbiasa menjawab soal-soal lebih cepat dan mudah. Seperti apa yang dikatakan pepatah, Practice makes perfect. Yuk, langsung aja, bantai semua soal!!

Saran Admin jawab aja dulu dengan jawaban kalian sendiri ya, supaya kalian tahu sampai mana sih batas kemampuan yang kalian miliki 👍

Bacaan berikut ini untuk menjawab soal nomor 1-3.
    Online social networking includes much more
than Facebook and Twitter. It is any online use of technology to connect
people, enable them to collaborate with each other, and form virtual
communities. Social networking sites may allow visitors to send e – mails,
post comments, build web content, and take part in live chats.

    Social networking has quickly transformed
how people of all ages work, play and shop – and even how we elect
presidents. A 5 2010 Pew Study illustrates that it has become an integral
part of the world beyond K – 12 schools. In the two years prior to the
study, its use among Millennias ( age 18 to 33 ) rose from 67 percent to
83 percent, every generation 45 and older more than doubled its
participation, and adults 74 and older quadruple their participation (
from 4 percent to 16 percent ). Among students surveyed in a National
School Boards association study, 96 percent of those with online access
reported using social networking, and half said they use it to discuss

    Survey research confirms that interest in
harnessing social networking for educational purposes is high. As reported
in School Principals and Social Networking in Education: Practices,
Policies, and Realities in 2010, a national survey of 1,200 principals,
teachers and librarians found that most agreed that social networking
sites can help educators share information and resources, create
professional learning communities, and improve school wide communications
with students and staff. Those who had used social networks were more
positive about potential benefits than those who had not. In an online
discussion with 12 of the principals 15 surveyed, most said that social
networking and online collaboration tools would make a substantive change
in students’educational experience. They also said these tools could
improve student motivation and engagement, help students develop a more
social / collaborative view of learning, and create a connection to real –
life learning. 

    (Adapted from :


What does the passage mainly deal with ? 

A. The increased trend in using social networking in education 
B. The development of technological benefits for teaching 
C. The future impacts of social network ing on students 
D. The research result in using technology in daily life
E. The increased number of users in social media



Topik dari teks dapat diambil dari poin poin yang terbahas pada tiap
paragraf atau poin yang berulang ulang kali muncul. Pada teks tersebut frasa
kata benda yang sering muncul adalah online social networking.

Jadi, langkah pertama adalah eliminasi pilihan jawaban yang tidak
memunculkan kata online social networking, yaitu pilihan B, D, dan E. Pada
paragraf kedua sudah mulai mengerucut pembahasannya dengan dihadirkannya
data – data penelitian yang menunjukkan tingginya penggunaan online social
networking ( ditunjukkan dengan kata – kata rose, doubled, quadruple )
terutama di kalangan siswa. Pada paragraf ketiga juga membahas hal
yang sama, yaitu tingginya penggunaan social networking pada pendidikan
( ditunjukkan dengan kata high ). Jadi, teks tersebut menunjukkan banyaknya
penggunaan online social networking di kalangan siswa dan bidang pendidikan


School principals believe that social net working …  

A. develops students’ curiosity
B. maintains the private relationship 
C. engages students in learning  
D. helps students discuss school work 
E. makes students critical



Pertanyaan pada soal menanyakan tanggapan school principal terhadap social
networking . Langkah pertama adalah menentukan kata kunci pada pertanyaan ,
yaitu school principal dan social networking . Selanjutnya , carilah kata
kata kunci tersebut pada teks . Kata kunci tersebut ditemukan pada paragraf
ketiga baris 6—8 yang mengatakan bahwa’They ( school principals ) also said
these tools could improve student motivation and engagement , help students
develop a more social / collaborative view of learning . Dari kalimat acuan
di atas , dapat disimpulkan bahwa social networking dapat meningkatkan
motivasi siswa dan keikutsertaan serta mengembangkan pembelajaran
kolaboratif .


Based on the passage , the word harnessing in line 10 means … 

A. engaging
B. improving
C. avoiding
D. minimizing
E. utilizing



Untuk menjawab pertanyaan semacam ini (pertanyaan vocabulary), carilah frasa
lain yang memiliki pola yang sama dengan istilah yang ditanyakan
(harnessing). Pada baris terakhir paragraf kedua terdapat frasa yang serupa,
yaitu’ using social networking’ dan pada baris kelima
paragraf ketiga terdapat’ used social networking! Pada dua
istilah tersebut, terdapat persamaan, yaitu adanya istilah yang berasal dari
kata’ use! Kata dasar use, secara kontekstual dapat disejajarkan dengan kata
utilize atau utilizing.

Bacaan berikut ini untuk menjawab soal nomor 4-7.
      If you had your choice, would you rather sit in an
office all day to make a living or work from the comfort of your own home?
Nowadays, more and more businesses are allowing employees to work at least
part of the week from home. The idea of “telecommuting” is not that new
and for many, it has been technically possible since the Internet became
widely accessible. Some employers, however, have been less willing to
allow the practice for fear that employees who were not being watched
would become lazy and undisciplined. Actually, recent evidence has shown
that these fears are mostly unwarranted and that businesses can actually
save a lot of money on rent by converting more of their staff over to

     In a normal telecommuting
situation, a worker will be given assignments and asked to complete them
or report on them, as in any other office job. The major difference is
that most communication is done using the telephone, email and instant
messaging. Some employers allow workers to choose which hours they will
work; others require them to be online during a normal work day. Either
way, most telecommuters have the freedom to work from home, or wherever
else they would like.

   Yet telecommuters often
find that their freedom comes with a cost. Those who work outside the
office may discover that their employers are more willing to ask them to
work long or strange hours. In situations where there are other family
members at home, it can be difficult to keep work life and home life
separate. Other chores around the house can also serve as distractions,
and there is the matter of getting office supplies like printers and
desks. Working at a coffee shop or a library may be a solution , but some
locations put time limits on Internet use Sometimes employees actually
take a room in their house and convert it over to a home office – this can
be quite helpful in creating an ideal working environment and provides the
added benefit of a few dollars back in the bank when tax time comes


How are ideas in paragraphs 1 and 2 related ?

A. Paragraph 1 explains a variety of use of the internet explained in
paragraph 2 
B. Paragraph 1 defines the idea of telecommuting further argued in paragraph
C. Paragraph 2 exemplifies the idea of tele commuting described in paragraph
D. Paragraph 2 elaborates the advantages of working at home stated in
paragraph 1 
E. Paragraph 2 details the concepts of communication introduced in paragraph



Hubungan antarparagraf tersebut adalah paragraf ke – 2 menjabarkan infomasi
dengan contoh masalah yang dibahas pada paragraf ke – 1

ke – 2 menjelaskan pekerjaan karyawan perusahaan yang dilakukan di rumahnya
sendiri atau tempat lain ‘a worker will be given assignments and asked to
complete them or report on them, as in any other office job’ Penjelasan pada
paragraf ke – 2 tersebut bertujuan menjabarkan informasi dengan contoh ‘most
communication is done using the telephone, email and instant messaging’
masalah yang dibahas pada paragraf ke – 1, yaitu ‘telecommuting done by


The author would apparently agree that….

A. people will lose their interest to work for the government
B. both employers and employees will need no work – load agreement 
C. there will be more skilled people who are jobless due to telecommuting
D. workers will enjoy more flexibilities in doing their work if they work
through telecommuting
E. employees will like working at home better to accommodate a new tele
commuting system



Baris ketiga dan keempat paragraf kedua mengatakan bahwa para karyawan
memiliki kebebasan bekerja di rumah sehingga dapat dikatakan kalau para
karyawan akan merasa lebih fleksibel dalam menyelesaikan tugasnya .


The author holds an assumption about telecommuting that … 

A. the employers do not need to worry about their employees’
B. the employers will get more benefits when working at home 
C. working in the office will take proce dures different from working at
D. telecommuting gives financial risks to the employers and employees 
E. working through telecommuting is more efficient that working in the of



Petunjuk untuk soal ini terdapat pada akhir paragraf pertama baris 4, 5, dan
6. Pada baris ke – 4 dan 5 disebutkan’ Some employers, however, have been
less willing to allow the practice for fear that employees who were not
being watched would become lazy and undisciplined Teks tersebut
secara tersirat menjelaskan bahwa perusahaan kurang tertarik melakukan
praktik telecommuting karena mereka khawatir karyawan mereka akan menjadi
malas dan tidak disiplin. Kemudian penulis beralasan bahwa berdasarkan bukti
terbaru bahwa ketakutan perusahaan itu tidak terbukti.’ Actually, recent
evidence has shown that these fears are mostly unwarranted and …
Hal tersebut sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban A,” the employers do not need to
worry about their employees’ discipline’.


In which paragraph ( s ) does the author illustrate the possible problem of
telecommuting systems most effectively ?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 1 and 2
E. 1 and 3



Jawaban didapat dengan mencari paragraf yang menggambarkan atau menjabarkan
kata kunci pada pertanyaan, ‘illustrate the possible problem …. most effectively‘. Paragraf yang menjabarkan secara lebih efektif masalah yang mungkin
muncul pada proses telecommuting adalah paragraf ketiga. Mulai pada baris
pertama ‘Those who work outside the office may discover that
their employers are more willing to ask them to work long or strange
. In situations where there are other family members at home,
it can be difficult to keep work life and home life separate. Other
chores around the house can also serve as distractions, and there is
the matter of getting office supplies like printers and desks.
Working at a coffee shop or a library may be a solution, but some locations
put time limits on Internet use‘.

Bacaan berikut ini untuk menjawab soal nomor 8-11.
    The green movement is catching on in many pockets of the world. 
This is especially true in the construction industry.  Today’s buzz
words, which include global warming and zero emission, are causing
everyday people to look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. 
Purchasing environmentally-friendly property is a good investment for
those who are concerned about their own health and the well-being of the
earth.  Base on this trend, entire districts, known as
eco-communities, are being designed with green initiatives 5 in
mind.  Dockside Green in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada is one of
these communities.  Its goal is to become the world’s first
zero-emissions neighborhood.  

    Builders of Dockside Green have the environment in mind
with every choice they make.  They ensure proper ventilation, and
guarantee residents 100% fresh indoor air.  Interior and exterior
building materials, such as paints and wood, are natural and
non-toxic.  Eco-conscious builders use bamboo wherever possible
because it is durable and does not require pesticides to grow. 

    Energy efficiency is one of the top priorities in
eco-communities, such as Dockside Green.  Not only do
energy-efficient 10 appliances and light fixtures reduce the
environmental impact of heating and hot water, they also save
residents and business owners money.  Dockside Green claims that
home owners will use 55% less energy than average residents in
Canada.  Though they are sharing space by investing in
condo-style living, residents will have individual utility
meters.  Studies show that people use approximately 20% less
energy when they are billed for exactly what they use.  In
addition, water is treated at Dockside Green and reused on site for
flushing toilets. 

    Planners of eco-communities such as Dockside Green must
take the future into account.  Dockside Green will reuse 90% of
its construction waste.  They also plan to continue using local
suppliers for all of their transport and maintenance needs.  This
is a great way to reduce emissions.  Dockside residents will be
encourage to make use of mini transit system and buy into the
community’s car share program.  Finally, plans are in the works
for a high-tech heating system that will use renewable biomass instead
of fossil fuels.  



By saying Today’s buzz word, which includes global warming and zero /
emissions, are causing everyday people to look for ways to reduce their carbon
footprint ‘in lines 1-3, the author implies that …

A. Environmental issues have made people  more cautious of their
B. Global warming and zero emissions become everyone’s concern.
C. People have take care of their greenhouse carefully.
D. Eco-friendly environmental programs should be strongly enforced.
E. All people around the world are aware of global warming.



Implies adalah salah satu pertanyaan tersirat. Pengambilan clue atas
kalimat ini diambil dari kalimat yang dikutip. Clue-nya adalah ‘causing ..
people to look for ways to reduce.. Kalimat yang dikutip, secara tersirat
menjelaskan ‘everyone’s concern’ (kepedulian setiap orang, kepedulian
untuk mencari cara mengurangi dampak global warming dan emisi).


Which of the following best restates the sentence ‘The green movement is
catching on in many pockets of the world’ in line 1?

A. Many people consider it crucial to have eco-friendly environments
B. People who are aware of environmental issues love safe and health
C. House designers should consider the importance of green matrials
D. Everyone should understand the effect of global warming and zero
emissions well
E. Environmentalists are concerned with the green environment



“Restate the sentence’ yaitu menyatakan kembali atau merekonstruksikan
kalimat tanpa mengubah arti. Tidak perlu melihat pada teks melainkan hanya
melihat pada kalimat yang dikutip. Jawaban A (many people consider it
crucial to have diambil eco-friendly environments) dari kutipan kalimat
pertanyaan, yaitu the green movement (gerakan ramah lingkungan) secara
tersirat menjelaskan Catching on (dipertimbangkan) secara tersirat
menjelaskan consider. Many pockets of the world (berbagai belahan dunia)
secara tersirat menjelaskan many people. eco-friendly environments.


The false idea that author may hold about Dockside Green is that …

A. It provides all eco-friendly properties
B. It is a good asset to buy a property in it
C. It encourages all houses to utilize efficient energy
D. It reduces global warning and emissions
E. It is where more natural livings can exist



Pertanyaan jawaban yang tidak sesuai dengan topik yang ditanyakan. Topik
yang ditanyakan adalah penjelasan mengenai Dockside Green. Sementara itu
jawaban B tidak sesuai dengan topik karena menjelaskan Dockside Green
merupakan sebuah tempat yang sesuai untuk membeli properti bukan
menjelaskan sebuah tempat atau lingkungan perumahan yang didesain menjadi
tempat ramah lingkungan seperti yang dijelaskan pada paragraf pertama
‘known as eco- communities, are being designed with
green initiatives in mind. Dockside Green in Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada is one of these communities. Its ini bertujuan mencari
goal is to become
the world’s first zero- emissions neighborhood. Dan Dockside Green
juga merupakan sebuah tempat atau lingkungan perumahan berisi properti
alami membahayakan lingkungan dan juga mengurangi pemanasan global serta
gas emisi seperti yang dijelaskan pada paragraf kedua ‘Builders of
Dockside Green
have the environment in mind yang tidak merugikan atau with every
choice they make
; They also plan to continue using local suppliers for all of
their transport and maintenance needs.
This is a great way to reduce emissions’.


The author organizes the ideas in the passage by …

A. Describing a new housing trend and providing a detailed example
B. Discussing an environmental issue and providing ways to solve the issue
C. Identifying a community problem and discussing possible solutions to
the  problem
D. Explaining friendly initiatives and discussing the impacts of the
E. Establishing a initiative that is eco-friendly and explaining the ideas
behind the an environmentally new community initiative



Penulis menyusun ide-ide teks dengan cara menjelaskan sebuah tren perumahan
baru dan contoh rincinya. Tren perumahan baru dijelaskan pada paragraf
pertama yang mengatakan bahwa Dockside Green merupakan perumahan baru yang
didesain ramah lingkungan dan bertujuan lingkungan yang bebas emisi.
Sedangkan untuk contoh rinci lingkungan perumahan tersebut dijelaskan pada
paragraf-paragraf selanjutnya, ventilasi udara segar, material eksterior dan
interior yang alami dan tidak beracun (isi dari paragraf kedua);
memprioritaskan energi efisiensi ketiga) menjadi yaitu (isi dari paragraf
serta mempertimbangkan atau memikirkan masa depan bumi, seperti mengurangi
gas emisi, mendaur ulang sampah konstruksi, dan akan menggunakan biomassa
yang dapat diperbaharui daripada bahan bakar fosil (isi dari paragraf

Bacaan berikut ini untuk menjawab soal nomor 12-15.
    Many kinds of herbs sit in our cupboards.  Little did you know that
these herbs were loaded with powerful nutrients.  They add flavor and
texture to boost your meals – and also the body.  Below are some
examples of herbs that can give healing effects. 

    The first example is
Basil that has many benefits for health.  It has the ability to protect
DNA.  Its antioxidants and phytonutrients are known to protect
chromosomes and cell structures.  The herb’s essential oils protect
against antibiotic-resistant bacteria.  Its natural anti-inflammatory
properties and COX-2 enzyme inhibitors work similary to aspirin or

    The second example is Cayenne, also known as capsicum
fruit.  Cayenne pepper can enhance circulation, digestion, and
absorption.  Its healing properties have been known to be helpful in
arthritis, urinary tract issues, infections, ulcers, and respiratory
ailments.  It may also be helpful as a thyroid balancer, for heart
health, and for cleansing. 

    The third kind of herbs offering healing
effects year-round is Cinnamon.  Some of the advantages are lowering
cholesterol, reducing blood sugar levels, strengthening the cardiovascular
system, helping with respiratory issues, relieving menstrual pain, reducing
arthritis pain, helping to clot blood, and preventing tooth decay and bad

    Another example is Dill.  It was used by Hippocrates
(know as “the father of medicine”) in a recipe to clean the mouth, and
soldiers would also apply the burnt seeds to wounds to promote
healing.  Dill’s volatile oils can neutralize particular types of
carcinogens found in smoke from cigarettes, charcoal grills, and trash
incinerators.  It has also shown an ability to prevent bacterial
overgrowth.  In addition, dill is rich in calcium, making it beneficial
in the prevention of bone loss. 

    Using these herbs in medication is
advantageous.  The herbs are easy to find because they are just things
we always have around.  In addition, they are very cheap compared to
drugs we have to buy at drugstores.  Finally, they produce none or only
little side effects compared to chemical drugs.  Therefore, it is
necessary to find out how they should be processed to be used in medical

        (Adapted from:


The author’s attitude regarding herbal medication is…..

A. convinced
B. negative
C. doubtful
D. pessimistic
E. neutral



Nada atau sikap penulis terhadap ide pokok teks di atas adalah meyakinkan. Dilihat dari kalimat baris pertama teks tersebut yang mengatakan bahwa’sedikit dari Anda yang tahu bahwa rempah- rempah memiliki banyak nutrisi’ (Little did you know that these herbs were loaded with powerful nutrients). Dan dilihat juga pada kalimat baris pertama paragraf terakhir yang mengatakan bahwa menggunakan jenis-jenis rempah- rempah tersebut dalam pengobatan adalah menguntungkan ‘Using these herbs in medication is advantageous.’


What topic does the paragraph following the passage most likely discuss?

A. How to find herbs for medication
B. How to process medical treatments
C. How to reduce the side effects of herbs
D. How to get health treatment that is free from side effects
E. How to process herbs to be used for medical purposes 



Pertanyaan ini dimaksudkan untuk mencari topik paragraf sesudah teks dengan mengambil clue kalimat terakhir pada paragraf terakhir teks. Dikarenakan kalimat terakhir membahas pentingnya mengetahui proses rempah-rempah untuk dijadikan obat (it is necessary to find out how they should be processed to be used in medical treatments) maka untuk paragraf selanjutnya kemungkinan besar topiknya tentang pembuatan obat dari rempah-rempah (How to process herbs to be used for medical purposes).


What is the best summary of the passage?

A. Many herbs are not only useful as seasonings, but they are also advantageous for our health. Different herbs give different health benefits, almost all at reasonable prices.
B. Many kinds of herbs can provide benefits for medical treatments. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to eliminate their side effects in medical treatments.
C. Herbal treatment is easy, cheap, and free from side-effects.  It is important for use to improve our knowledge about this type of medicine.
D. Some types of herbs have been known to be able to provide relieving effects on painful feeling.  It is important for us to use them in medical treatments.
E. While some types of Complementary and Alternative Medicine have been consid still need further research-based ed useful, some others justification.  Therefore, there needs to conduct new studies that are focus on the benefits of these herbs 



Kesimpulan harus meliputi seluruh isi paragraf. Pada kalimat utama paragraf pertama dikatakan bahwa rempah- rempah tidak hanya untuk bumbu melainkan mengandung nutrisi yang baik untuk efek penyembuhan (Little did you know that these herbs were loaded with powerful nutrients. They add flavor…..some examples of herbs that can give healing effects) Paragraf kedua sampai dengan kelima membahas berbagai tanaman herbal serta kegunaannya yang beraneka ragam. Di paragraf terakhir juga dikatakan bahwa rempah-rempah sangat murah dibandingkan obat-obatan lain yang dibeli di apotek (they are very cheap compared to drugs we have to buy at drugstores)


It can be predicted from the passage that…..

A. consumption of basil will protect people’s chromosomes but not the cell structures.
B. regular consumption of capsicum fruit will result in enhanced circulation, digestion, and absorption. 
C. the more people consume cinnamon, the more likely they increase the level of cholesterol and blood sugar.
D. consuming dill is useful in preventing osteoporosis in the future. 
E. the cheaper the price of medicine, the less reliable the healing effect will be



Pertanyaan pada soal dapat dijawab dengan eliminasi satu per satu pilihan jawabannya, apakah tidak dengan isi teks. Pilihan jawaban yang sesuai adalah jawaban D karena berdasarkan paragraf keempat baris 15, ‘dill is rich in calcium, making beneficial in the prevention of bone loss.’ Jadi, dapat diprediksi bahwa konsumsi dill sangat berguna untuk mencegah osteoporosis pada masa depan (consuming dill is useful in preventing osteoporosis in the future). Osteoporosis adalah penyakit pengeroposan tulang (bone loss) karena kekurangan kalsium. sesuai atau

Akhir Kata

Sampai disini dulu ya sobat, nantikan artikel edisi persiapan utbk lainnya dari kami ya, terus dukung kami dengan cara memberi komentar dan ikuti blog ini ya dan tunggu notifikasi pembaharaun artikel dari kami…….
Terimakasi telah mengunjungi artikel dan blog kami, semoga soal yang admin share tadi dapat bermanfaat dan jangan lupa juga untuk di share keteman trman juga ya…….
Jangan lupa pakai masker jika sedang berpergian dan patuhi aturan 3M…….STAY SAFE Y’ALL….BYE

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